Tag: Supervisory Board

New Supervisory Board member: Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente

May 13, 2014  |  News

Rewilding Europe is excited to announce that on 25 March 2014, the Supervisory Board accepted Odile Rodríguez de la Fuente as a new board member. Odile was already supporting our initiative as a Special Advisor, but is now going to take a more active role and a responsibility in our initiative through her new role.

Rewilding Europe Supervisory Board formally established

September 21, 2012  |  News

Rewilding Europe is very excited to announce the formal establishment of the Supervisory Board, which has come into function last month. The Executive Board has managed to find very experienced individuals from different parts of Europe, with different backgrounds and key-competencies that are strongly complementary.

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