Tag: rewilding

A Vulture’s Voyage

March 13, 2018  |  News

The ongoing LIFE Vultures Project in Bulgaria and Greece has seen a number of black vultures tagged with GPS transmitters. Last year these showed one particular bird making a remarkable journey.

What a year it has been!

January 3, 2018  |  Blog

As we move into 2018 I am looking forward to the prospect of longer days and new life bursting forth. This time in the calendar has always been a turning point, as we say goodbye to the previous twelve months and consider the future.

The Circle of Life project: supporting Europe’s scavengers

December 19, 2017  |  Blog

ARK Nature’s Circle of Life project, which aims to increase the availability of carrion in nature, began life as a groundbreaking way of helping endangered scavengers in the Netherlands. Rewilding Europe, which has already adopted the Circle of Life approach in its rewilding areas (by enabling wildlife comeback and reintroducing herbivores), is now working to scale up the project across Europe by promoting best practice, fostering dialogue and encouraging collaboration.

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