Tag: rewilding

Making the Connection

September 20, 2018  |  News

By reconnecting isolated areas of wild nature, wildlife corridors are an effective method of enhancing biodiversity and boosting animal populations. Rewilding Europe, which is working to establish wildlife corridors in a number of its operational areas, believes rewilding can help to create an urgently needed, well-connected network of green and blue infrastructure right across Europe.

The European Rewilding Network welcomes a new member from Italy

September 10, 2018  |  News

Rewilding Europe is delighted to welcome a new member from Italy to the European Rewilding Network. Working to protect wolves in the Italian Alpine Arc region, the Return of the Wolf project takes the number of network members to 63, distributed right across Europe.

Rewilding Stories: People Power

September 4, 2018  |  Blog

Rewilding isn’t only about nature – it’s about people too. The support, trust and passion of local communities will always be vital to the success of rewilding projects, regardless of scale and location. Gaining that support means ensuring that people can earn a fair living from the wild, and reaching out and building relationships through effective stakeholder communication.

Tauros herd transported from Taurus Foundation to the Auerrind Project

September 3, 2018  |  News

Cooperation between a member of the European Rewilding Network (the Auerrind Project) and partner of Rewilding Europe (the Taurus Foundation) saw eight Tauros translocated between the Netherlands and Germany in August. A significant milestone in the development of the Auerrind Project, the translocation will help with the back-breeding of aurochs.

The power rangers of Poiana Ruscă

July 24, 2018  |  Blog

As rangers at the second European bison reintroduction site in the Southern Carpathians rewilding area, the efforts of Marius Gârdean and Roland Hauptman have been vital to the success of the project. On the occasion of World Ranger Day, Rewilding Europe caught up with them to thank them for their ongoing support, and to learn more about their lives and work.

Rewilding Stories: Enterprising Endeavour

July 18, 2018  |  Blog

Rewilding Europe’s enterprise work is now seeing nature-based businesses mushroom across Europe. The economic prosperity they are generating is benefitting people and wild nature on a growing scale.

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